
Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Business Plan - Cuban/Greiner Style

            There was no specific part of my business plan that Mark Cuban or Lori Greiner advice helped on. In fact their advice actually helped in a different aspect. You can have an amazing business plan but if you can not present it correctly who will invest? These are things I’ve begun to work on using Cuban and Greiner’s advice. How will I present the business plan? Does each section require a different tone? Who is my target audience during the meeting? Should I be trying to sell them on the plan that it can actually work? Or do I try to sell them on the idea and forget about why the consumer would want this or even need it?
            This leads to the hardest part. Most people think they know everything or can find the information they need. The truth is, it’s not as easy as it sounds. Cuban and Greiner both look for people who put the hours in. They look for people who are willing to admit they don’t know everything and can be humble.
Anything can sell just look at the Pet Rock. There are another hundred examples of things I could list that have no real use in the world but they sell. Why do they sell? It’s all about marketing. I believe that no matter your product or service if you have the right marketing whether it is a video, catch phrase, slogan, or some cheesy mascot, if it can catch on it can almost assuredly sell. It is one thing to stand in front of investors and sell your start up/ business plan. Its another to sell it to the market or is it? They can be one in the same. Capture investors with your marketing plan and you can capture the market as well. That is what I think investors look for. They may think does this product have use, but in the end even if you just have the pet rock and investors look at you like you are crazy, the marketing plan can sell it to them and the consumer.

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